Helicopter flying away from fuel truck

What We Offer

Our services encompass the aerial application of fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides, tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Spray helicopter landing on a truck

Helicopter Services

We utilize the Bell 206 helicopter, equipped with the latest GPS and guidance systems, making it the ideal platform for large-scale aerial applications with proven success in the field. Our helicopter fleet serves Co-Ops and farmers across the Midwest, including Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

In these locations we focus on crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat. 

An XAG P100 spray drone crop dusting a field in Arizona

Drone Services

For more targeted and sensitive areas, we utilize the advanced XAG spray drone, perfect for applications up to 10 GPA and ultra-low volume (ULV) treatments.

Our drone department currently serves Co-Ops and farmers across the Southwest of the U.S. including California and Arizona.

In these locations we focus on produce such as spinach, lettuce, and melons. 

Photo of a spray helicopter with cornfields behind it.

What To Expect

When sourcing RS Rotor Wing Service for your agricultural needs, you can expect nothing less than precision aerial application services using state-of-the-art technology and equipment.

With a commitment to meeting our high standards, efficiency, and sustainability, we strive to deliver exceptional results for every client and every crop.